A l f o n s
(Puttifars Buffalo Bill)
Alfons is a black English Cocker Spaniel living in North of Sweden in a small village named Älvsyn, with his mom Ingrid Eriksson and family.

Visit Alfons's Website!

M i l t o n
(Puttifars Prometheus Tan Boy)
Milton is a blue roan and tan English Cocker Spaniel he is Alfon's brother and also lives in Älvsyn, Sweden. .

Visit Milton's Website!

S t e l l a and L u n a
Luna and Stella are red English Cocker Spaniels
Luna was born on April 24, 1993 and Stella was born on March 21, 1996.
They live in Locarno, Switzerland with their mom Yvonne.

Visit Luna and Stella's Site!

S a s h a
Sasha is red English Cocker Spaniel born on September 20, 1993.
Sasha lives in South Africa with her mommy Tammy and Tammy's mom,

N i b b l e s and D u f f y
These are Nibbles and Duffy, two Cockers from the
They were born on October 12, 1999.