B u f f y
Buffy is a very red parti American Cocker Spaniel.
She was born on February 18, 1998 and lives in Winfield Park, NJ.

Visit Buffy's website!

D e a r l y
(Miss Dearly Darling)
Dearly is a buff American Cocker spaniel.
She was born on 03/05/01 and lives with her human in Jennifer Priester in Birmingham, AL.

Visit Dearly's Website!

C a r l i t o s
Carlitos is an orange roan English Cocker Spaniel
boy, born on 12/29/1999.
Carlitos lives in Bucharest, Romania with his humans Dorian and Anna.

Visit Carlito's Homepage!

B r o c - L e e
Broc-lee is a buff American Cocker Spaniel born on November, 10 1996.
He lives in Winter Park, Florida with his wife Ellie May. his daughter
Hershey kisses,
and of course his human family Bill & Tammie Byers.

L u n i t a
Lunita is a red English Cocker Spaniel gal from Almerķa, Spain.
She was born on june 27, 1998.

C h a r l i e
Charlei is a buff American Cocker spaniel.

Visit Charlie's Website!